Carter started going cross eyed ocasionally. Then it became more frequent and he started watching TV and playing with his face turned to the right. We had our pediatrician give us a refferal to an opthomoligist. We learned that Carter has an elevated optic nerve. We then had lots of fun tests to find a cause. We had a MRI, CT scan, Nuroligist consultation, and then a spinal tap. The test all came back normal! (Sigh, glad that's over!)
I just love this picture. It is the epitomy of pitiful. The nurse told Carter that he was so brave and to have a great day. He looked her in the eye and said, "Well, I still don't like shots!"
What a sweet boy. Now we are going to get him in glasses and try to see if we can't fix his lazy eye.
I did ask for some of that medicine to take home but they only laughed.
And we are sooooo glad that it is just a "lazy eye." No more icky tests! Way to go, Carter.